Your Blog For JoJo News

Welcome <3 Here you can find some news that came from the Magazines publicated in Portugal about our JOJO. Online since: October 2005.

quarta-feira, dezembro 28, 2005

Joanna, Feliz Aniversário!!!

No passado dia 20 de Dezembro, a minha estrela, fez 15 anitos.


segunda-feira, dezembro 12, 2005

Blogs que recomendo vivamente!!!

domingo, dezembro 11, 2005

Entrevista em inglês

Little Angel?
Is popstrel JoJo a teen terror or an angelic adolescent? You decide...
When you think of JoJo, what springs to your mind?Bet you're thinking "Nice girl,does everything she's told,doesn't get a say in everything", right?
Wrong! It seems there's a naughty side lurking beneath that angelic exterior-well why else would she just have ben grounded for two months?!But how far does this wicked streak go? And who is the real JoJo? We decided it was time to sit the little lady down and find out whether she's actually an angel or a little devil deep down!
[b] Angel Adolescent
[b]What's the nicest thing you've done for someone? I flew my best friend out to last year's VMA's in Miami. She came to the party before and to the villa where you get all the cool freebies. I felt like I needed to pay her back for just being there for me forever. We've been best friends for our years. I love that girl.
That's pretty nice!Would you say you're a generous kind of person? Yes. Like, I feel like I have too many clothes so before I went to Japan, I gave my friends half my wardrobe. A lot of them were designer like Dolce & Gabbana,Miss sixty,Versace-and they were pretty excited. Maybe that's not generous, maybe that's just me having to many clothes!
Do you splash out on presents for people? I will now cos this is my first year of actually making some money. I wanna get my best friend a diamond necklace that spells out her name or something like that.
What did you do for your friends before you had loads of money? I used to get little things or make things for people,cos I really had no money and making things means something. Maybe I'll continue to do that-just cos I'm famous and have money doesn't mean they should get really expensive presents does it?
What was the most expensive thing you bought for someone? It was actualy for myself! I just bought a diamond necklace. I don't wanna say how uch it was, but it was up there!
Very nice! Do you stick up for your mates in an argument? Even if I was the smaller person physically, I would always stand up to the person reagardless. I'll cuss somebody out if I have o!
Ever done any charity work? You know what?I'm going to start. I'm going to start a foundation. In America the people in the hip hop and R 'n' B world wear Air Force One sneakers and they'e always fresh shoes like mine. And they usually put them in the trash the first or second time they wear them beacause they want them to stay white. No way! I think we should start a foundation and give away all our shoes to the people who need them.I'm gonna stop throwing mine out. I usually wear mine for two weeks-it's crazy.
Teen Terror
[b]What's the naughtiest thing you've ever done? Can't tell you!
Second naughtiest then? When I was about nine, I tried to spy on my mum when she was with her boyfriend. They were just kissing, but it was this whole elaborate plan I had with my friend-we were ducking under thing and we took a picture. It was actually quite funny!
Do your parents have to be strict with you? Yes, cos I usually do what I wanna do, which can be a good thing or a bad thing. It's annoying at this point in my life but I think I'll probably thank them for it.
Have you ever been grounded before? Yes but only for very serious things. I just got grounded for two months and I'm only just getting over it now!
You still get grounded now you're famous? Yes, it sucks! My phone was taken away, my internet-everything. It's so not cool. It does keep it real. but i don't like it.
Got any naughty friends? Yes. I think we influence each other-in good and bad ways. They're just naughty in ways most kids are when they're teenagers, staying out late or whatever.
What do you do if your parents don't approve of them? I tell them that i'm hanging out with someone else or that i'm not talking to them on the phone when I am. I do what I have to do.
Are you good at getting your own way? A lot of the time, yeah! I think of myself as a lawyer arguing a case. Yes, I tell my mum the bad things first but then I'm like "Listen to this..."and I try to reason with her.
And if you don't get your own way, do you throw temper tantrums? I used to. I'd have a big argument and storm out of a room but I'm not like that anymore. It might be the situation I'm in these days-I just can't do that now I'm famous, it wouldn't look good.
What makes you really angry? Reading crazy press-things that I have no reference point to. I know everybody has opinions but when they say, " JoJo dressed inappropriately",I'm like,"But I'm wearing sneakers and jeans!"
What would you say to someone who criticised what you wear to your face? "Have you been to the mall lately?Have you seen how these girls dress walking down the street?" In America, if you go to the mall you see girls with their bellies hanging out, in little skirts and high heels. The Verdict [b]So JoJo, are you an angel or a little devil? I'm not saying I'm perfect and I'm not saying I'm an angel, cos I'm not. Everyone makes mistakes and that's what's important to know. But I dress appropriately...I think I set a good example.

Imagem exclusiva do filme "Aquamarine"

sexta-feira, dezembro 09, 2005

Filme "Aquamarine" com JoJo

Imagens exclusivas de JoJo no filme RV